Friday, December 4, 2015

impossible anniversary

A year ago today, Claudia Emerson passed away. I'm not sure how to write this, and I want it to be as incredible as she was, but I could work on this post for months and never get there. So I will settle for whatever comes out. She was a beloved college professor of mine who entered my life at a time when I needed her humor, her high standards, and her presence. She was the kind of person who asked "how are you?" and then waited for the real answer instead of walking past before you've finished saying "fine." We met for coffee several times after I graduated, and each time, she greeted me like a friend even though years had passed between visits. A few years ago we became Facebook friends, which created the illusion of closeness and made her passing all the more devastating. There are beautiful tributes written by people who are far more qualified. To save us all (you 3 people who read my dormant blog) from my sentimental ramblings, I will close with 3 haikus (that I also feel compelled to fuss with and am somewhat embarrassed to post, but this month-long exercise is about consistency, not quality).

structured and playful
wide smile generous with praise
billy goat at heart


I used to show up
at your door with no purpose
but to hear you laugh


workshops and first drafts
intrigue scrawled in the margins
don't you dare be late

today's picture is of the Bell Isle Pedestrian Bridge crossing the James River, taken before attending her memorial service on December 11, 2014, iPhone

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