Tuesday, July 10, 2007

hair of the dog

party #1: surprise half birthday, transformers mask, tapas galore, bring your own alcohol, design students climbing the walls.

party #2: miller lite keg, back deck, MOSQUITOS, bb gun target practice, so many tattoos and 3 hairstylists per attendee.

we went a little crazy this weekend and socialized 2 days in a row. the death shishkebob from my last post was the result of party number one, which was a well devised surprise scheme for someone whose birthday is in december. party number 2 was a staff appreciation bbq for those crazy octane kids. things got a little dicey when one of the party goers said "is that a gun?" enter green eyed lisp guy, who thought it would be fun to bring his bb gun to shoot cans on the clothesline in the backyard. at one point there was a frisbee game and target practice going simultaneously. only in georgia. and only with a tub full of PBR.

an important decision was made yesterday (sans PBR). instead of accepting a part-time job at a doggy day care (the first craigslist ad to respond with an interview), i'm going to fill my time (and hopefully my wallet) by finding massage clients. this seems like an infinitely wiser (and scarier) use of my time... get more client hours under my belt, practice marketing myself (with the help of coffeeshopgirl's design skills), give people a chance to get a discount, and start building a client base. the idea of hanging out with dogs for $8.50 is a lot easier on my ego, but it certainly won't make me more palatable or confident for massage clients. "um, excuse me but did you roll around with wet dogs before my appointment??"

now i just have to figure out how to keep the cats off the table...

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