Here's a list of the top 5 largest spiders I've ever had the pleasure of yelping at:
1. Possible tarantula while painting in someone's basement ALONE. It was hairy. It had knuckles. It lunged when I cast a shadow on it. I almost left for the day without finishing the job.
2. Another possible tarantula while shopping at the Eddie Bauer outlet in Fredericksburg, VA. It was crawling along the floor near a circular rack of dresses. I made the mistake of pointing it out to a male store clerk who preceded to SQUASH it. I can only imagine the mess it made.
3. A spider big enough to cover my entire face (no small head jokes from the peanut gallery) on the wall next to the couch in my current apartment.
4. See first paragraph.
5. I don't know if this spider was all that big, but it scared the crap out of me because I came within inches of accidentally TOUCHING it. I was being shown a rabbit's foot fern, which, by the way, has roots that resemble tarantula legs. It should be renamed tarantula fern. When I reached out to touch the scary roots (while yelping), a spider emerged about 1 inch from my finger. There was screaming.
Identical situation last week in this apartment. I was sitting on the couch, it crawled up next to me, I freaked the fuck out. Arachnaphobic like crazy, and the dude had to exterminate it. I'm still leery of sitting on the couch. Same breed of spider, I bet.
I am so drunk right now, I'm not sure if I'm typing properly, It's a challenge.
If it makes you feel any better (it probably won't), those big brown spiders are generally harmless. (If they're the same kind I used to see in Florida, that is.) We called them "housekeepers" because they eat other bugs.
dude, i *just* finished re-reading Kafka on the Shore. it's not my favorite Murakami but i'd forgotten how deeply it sucks you in. all i wanted to do was curl up somewhere with the book and not be bothered til i was done.
also, have you read reichl's awesome Garlic and Sapphires? <3 <3 <3
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