Monday, February 8, 2016

cheese please

cheesy goodness

I'm happy about my decision to stay home last night. Felt much better this morning, although the junk food craving and the achiness persist. I had to walk from Grand Central over to my physical therapist's office around one this afternoon, and in the process I had to pass a cluster of hole in the wall food places (the kind that may as well be food trucks because there's no seating and people stand on the sidewalk while waiting for their order). My desire to rip a piece of pizza out of one guy's hand was so strong. Instead, I inhaled deeply and cursed him for his iron stomach or his ability to disregard whatever pain it might cause him. Glutards unite. I know, it's not a very conscientious way of saying gluten sensitive. Consider it a reflection of rage and not political commentary. And now for today's bite sized portion:

folded cheese slice
so close I could steal it and
run like hell. Oh wait*


I could sidle up
to that kid and make her laugh
while I steal a fry


picture: Fellini's cheese pizza (dear god, do I miss this pizza), Atlanta, GA, June 2008, digital (I've used this picture before, but it was 8 years ago, so oh well) 


Steve Reed said...

When I first read your second haiku I thought it said "Steal a STIR fry," which would be an interesting food-theft adaptation from a "glutard." :)

herding tapeworms said...

Ha! Well I do like a good stir fry, but it would be a difficult thing to steal :)