last week's resume frenzy has officially been validated. i have an interview on Thursday for a position that requires a vocabulary test, which of course sent me scrambling for my old GRE books. i'm worried about my "professional" appearance (i'm not sure facial piercings and a faux hawk count as tasteful), but if they don't approve, i'll take my 10-cent words elsewhere.
another frenzy of sorts took place last friday night, one that shall be known henceforth as the challah incident. about midweek, coffeeshopgirl got the urge to feed the world and bake challah bread for the occasion, so Thursday night she made the dough and braided the loaves (pictured here). by Friday afternoon, the dough had mutated into a shapeless oozing mass that spilled over the sides of the baking sheet. the rebraided versions came out larger than any challah i've ever seen, which is a good thing because the attendees managed to eat all but one end of the two loaves. forget what i said about a running stupor. challa coma is much more potent.